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Behringer Harvard REITs Continue Trend in REIT Market

Investors who placed their money in unlisted REITs, including Behringer Harvard, have been awakened to the myriad of issues related to the nature of these products. Unlisted, or non-traded, REITS differ from listed REITs in that they are not traded on an open market. Rather, non-traded REITs are sold to investors who then hold the product until the end of an investment term.

Behringer Harvard and other non-traded REITs contain a fundamental flaw which is many times not evident at the time of purchase: their value is set by the very companies which sell them. To clarify, a listed, or public, REIT is valued daily based on the market in which it is traded whereas a non-traded REIT’s value is determined by the staff of the REIT, or sometimes by a third party consultant paid for by the REIT which it is supposed to objectively value. Obviously, a conflict of interest can easily develop in the standard valuation procedure of a non-traded REIT.

Another issue with non-traded REITs is that if one chooses to sell their shares, it must do so in conformity with the procedures of the REIT. The usual procedure is to sell shares through a redemption program; however, many such programs have been suspended due to adverse financial conditions when many investors attempt to redeem their shares at once. The consequence to investors is that they are stuck in the investment until the redemption program is reinstated.

When sold Non-traded REITs, many were not informed of these obvious drawbacks to the product. Some have posited that it might have something to do with the somewhat common 15% commission given to the selling party, or the broker. Though regrettable, many investors may be able to recover losses in such products, including Behringer Harvard, through arbitration. For a more detailed analysis of REITs.