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Citigroup To Pay $285 Million to Settle SEC Charges For Misleading Investors About CDO Company

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) today charged Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (Citigroup), the principal U.S. broker-dealer subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., with misleading investors about a $1 billion collateralized debt obligation (CDO) called Class V Funding III (Class V III). At a time when the U.S. housing market was showing signs of distress, Citigroup structured […]

Messing With J.R., Take Four

Not so fast, J.R. Larry Hagman, who played the rapacious oil tycoon J.R. Ewing in the 1980s hit TV series “Dallas,” recently won $11.6 million in a securities arbitration case against Citigroup. As DealBook reported last month, it was the largest arbitration award an individual investor received this year and the ninth largest award ever, […]

Messing With J.R., the Postscript

Many people on Wall Street were surprised when an arbitration panel awarded Larry Hagman, who played the rapacious oil baron J.R. Ewing in the 1980s hit series “Dallas,” won $11.6 million in a securities arbitration case against Citigroup. His broker, Lisa Detanna, was also surprised. She recently sent a letter about the case to hundreds […]

ASTA and Mat Municipal Arbitrage Claims Continue to Be Investigated by Attorneys

The firm announces it’s continuing investigation into the ASTA/Mat municipal arbitrage funds launched by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. and sold through Smith Barney, part of Citigroup’s (NYSE:C) Global Wealth Management Group. The ASTA/Mat funds were first rolled out in 2002 and imploded in February 2008 causing catastrophic losses to investors. In May 2010 two Los […]

Subprime Related Subpoenas From SEC Recieved By Citi

In Friday’s quarterly filing with regulators, the New York-based megabank says for the first time that it has received subprime-related subpoenas from the SEC. Citi’s filing said (on page 176) that it “continues to cooperate fully in response to subpoenas and requests for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission and other government agencies in […]