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Margin Accounts May be Unsuitable in Volatile Market Conditions

As volatile market conditions continue and seem to be accelerating on a daily basis, questions are being increasingly raised regarding the risks posed to investors and the relationship of margin to those risks. Investors who sign a margin agreement can borrow up to 50% of the purchase price of marginable investments (the exact amount varies […]

Recent Volatility Puts Margin Traders at Risk

With the influx in volatility and the arrival of the U.S. stock market’s first Bear Market in more than a decade, those trading on margin may be exposed to forced liquidations and/or margin calls following the market’s recent, aggressive selloff. Broker-dealers require those trading on margin to maintain as collateral a specified percentage of qualified […]

Margin Accounts Danger Highlighted By Recent Market Volatility

In an Investor Alert that was issued on November 8, 2018 (“Know What Triggers a Margin Call”), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) warned investors that “volatility is back, and market swings can sometimes bring an uncomfortable surprise to investors – a margin call.” When an investor purchases stock on margin, the investor’s brokerage firm […]