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Subprime Related Subpoenas From SEC Recieved By Citi

In Friday’s quarterly filing with regulators, the New York-based megabank says for the first time that it has received subprime-related subpoenas from the SEC. Citi’s filing said (on page 176) that it “continues to cooperate fully in response to subpoenas and requests for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission and other government agencies in […]

Indiana Charity Files Arbitration Claims Against Bond Fund Advisor Over Sub-Prime Losses

Last week, an Indiana charity that “makes wishes come true” for children with life threatening illnesses filed arbitration claims over sub-prime related losses it allegedly suffered in a bond fund managed by Regions Morgan Keegan.  The Indiana Children’s Wish Find claimed that it lost $48,000 or 22% of its $220,000 investment in the Regions Morgan […]

How Rating Firms’ Calls Fueled Subprime Mess

In 2000, Standard & Poor’s made a decision about an arcane corner of the mortgage market. It said a type of mortgage that involves a “piggyback,” where borrowers simultaneously take out a second loan for the down payment, was no more likely to default than a standard mortgage. While its pronouncement went unnoticed outside the […]

Morgan Keegan’s Kelsoe Falls From Top Ranking on Subprime Rout

Jim Kelsoe, a top-ranked junk-bond fund manager since 2000, dropped to last place this year because of losses tied to mortgages for people with poor credit. Kelsoe’s $1.1 billion Regions Morgan Keegan Select High Income Fund fell 4.2 percent from the beginning of 2007 as defaults on subprime home loans reached a five-year high. The […]

Bear Stearns Tells Fund Investors "No Value Left"

Bear Stearns Cos. told investors in its two failed hedge funds that they’ll get little if any money back after “unprecedented declines” in the value of the securities used to bet on subprime mortgages. “This is a watershed,” said Sean Egan, managing director of Egan-Jones Ratings Co. in Haverford, Pennsylvania. “A leading player, which has […]