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Navigating Challenges with Aegis Capital Corp.

Are You a Victim of Aegis Capital Corp.?

We all know there are inherent risks in investing in the stock market.  But then there are avoidable risks. This is especially true when dealing with Aegis Capital Corp. Many investors have faced problems with this company. At Bakhtiari & Harrison, we help investors recover money defrauded by their stockbroker and brokerage firm.

Understanding the Risks with Aegis Capital

When you invest, you trust your stockbroker to take care of your money. This is not only the right thing to do, but it is the law.  However, sometimes, that trust is broken. Aegis Capital has had many problems with regulators. Knowing these risks can help you protect yourself.

Problems with Trading Practices

From 2014 to 2018, Aegis Capital did not follow good trading practices. FINRA, a group that watches over brokers, found that Aegis Capital made too many trades in customer accounts. These trades were not good for their clients. This caused over $2.9 million in costs for investors. Imagine losing most of your money to trading fees. This is what happened to many people.

Because of this, Aegis Capital was punished. They had to pay $1.7 million back to investors. They were also fined $1.1 million for not watching over their brokers. Worse, the people in charge at Aegis Capital ignored over 900 warnings about bad trades. They also ignored more than 50 customer complaints.

Selling Penny Stocks

Another problem with Aegis Capital is the way they sold penny stocks. Penny stocks are cheap stocks, but they can be very risky. Aegis Capital sold billions of these stocks without following the rules. They made a lot of money from this, but it wasn’t fair to their customers.

Because they didn’t follow the rules, Aegis Capital was fined almost $1 million. This shows that they did not protect their clients from risky investments.

Failing to Stop Money Laundering

Money laundering is when people try to hide illegal money. Brokers must have systems in place to catch this. But Aegis Capital failed to do this. FINRA fined them $550,000 because they did not have good systems to watch out for bad activities.

For investors, this is a big problem. You want to know that your money is safe. But if a broker doesn’t catch illegal activities, it puts your money at risk.

Disclosures from Aegis Capital

If you are thinking about investing with Aegis Capital, you need to know their history. FINRA’s BrokerCheck shows that Aegis Capital has many problems. These problems include customer complaints, regulatory actions, and arbitration cases.

Customer Complaints

Many customers have complained about Aegis Capital. These complaints are serious. They often involve things like making trades without the customer’s permission, making too many trades, and giving bad advice.

Customer complaints are a warning sign. If many people are unhappy, there may be a pattern of bad behavior. This is something to think about before you invest.

Regulatory Actions

Aegis Capital has faced many actions from regulators. These actions include fines and punishments. The main problem is that they didn’t watch over their brokers. They also didn’t have good systems to catch illegal activities.

For investors, this is another warning sign. A firm that has been punished many times might not be the best place to invest your money.

Arbitration Cases

When investors lose money because of a broker’s bad actions, they sometimes go to arbitration. Arbitration is a way to get money back without going to court. Aegis Capital has been involved in many arbitration cases. These cases show that some investors have suffered because of their actions.

If you have lost money because of Aegis Capital, you might want to think about arbitration. It can help you get your money back. But you will need a good lawyer to help you.

How Bakhtiari & Harrison Can Help You

At Bakhtiari & Harrison, we help people who have lost money because of bad brokers. We know the law and can guide you through the process. One of the main ways we can help you is through FINRA arbitration.

Understanding FINRA Arbitration

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) arbitration is a way to resolve disputes between investors and brokerage firms without going to court. It is often faster and less expensive than a traditional lawsuit. In arbitration, a neutral third party, known as an arbitrator, listens to both sides and then makes a decision. This decision is usually final and binding, meaning it can’t be appealed in most cases.

When you open an account with a brokerage firm, you often agree to resolve disputes through arbitration rather than in court. This is common practice in the financial industry. While arbitration can be a good way to settle disputes, it’s important to have a skilled attorney by your side. The process can be complex, and the rules are different from those in a regular courtroom.

At Bakhtiari & Harrison, we have experience handling FINRA arbitration cases. We know how to present a strong case and fight for the best possible outcome. Whether your case involves unsuitable trading practices, unauthorized trades, or other misconduct, we are prepared to represent you in arbitration.

The Arbitration Process

The arbitration process begins when you file a claim with FINRA. After the claim is filed, both sides will exchange information and evidence. This is known as the discovery phase. During this time, we work to gather all the necessary documents, statements, and other evidence to support your case.

Next, the case will go before an arbitration panel. This panel is made up of one or three arbitrators, depending on the size of your claim. The arbitrators will hear arguments from both sides and review the evidence. After the hearing, the arbitrators will make a decision. If you win, the panel may order the brokerage firm to pay you damages.

The hearing itself is a critical part of the process. It typically takes place in a conference room, not a courtroom, which helps keep the atmosphere less formal. During the hearing, both sides will present their case. This includes opening statements, witness testimonies, and closing arguments. Witnesses might include financial experts who can explain complex investment concepts, as well as fact witnesses who can provide information about specific events.

You and your attorney will have the chance to present your side of the story. This is where strong legal representation becomes crucial. The arbitrators will ask questions, and your attorney will need to respond effectively, making sure your case is clearly understood.

The arbitration panel has the authority to ask questions and seek clarifications during the hearing. They will carefully evaluate the evidence presented by both sides. Unlike a jury trial, where emotions might influence the outcome, arbitrators focus on the facts and the law. They are typically professionals with expertise in finance, law, or both, ensuring a fair and informed decision-making process.

After the hearing, the arbitrators will take time to deliberate. They will review the evidence and discuss the arguments presented. This can take a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the case. Once they have made their decision, they will issue an award.

If you win the case, the arbitration panel may order the brokerage firm to compensate you for your losses. This could include the return of lost investments, payment for damages, and possibly even interest or legal fees. The arbitration award is legally binding, which means the brokerage firm must comply with the decision. If they fail to do so, you can take legal steps to enforce the award.

It’s important to note that while arbitration is generally faster than going to court, the process still requires patience. Each step, from filing the claim to receiving the award, takes time. However, with a skilled attorney guiding you, the process can be navigated more smoothly.

Personal Help

Every case is different. We take the time to understand your situation. We give advice that fits your needs. Our goal is to help you understand your rights and your options.

Strong Representation

If you’ve been wronged, you need someone to fight for you. We will stand up for you in arbitration or court. We will work hard to get back as much of your money as possible.

Expertise in Tough Cases

Securities law can be complicated. But we have experience with tough cases. We know how to build a strong case and win for our clients.

Take Action Now

If you think your money has been mishandled by Aegis Capital, don’t wait. It’s important to act quickly to protect your investments.

Contact Bakhtiari & Harrison today to talk about your case. We can help you understand your options and guide you through the next steps.

Visit our website at or call us to set up a meeting. We are here to help you recover your losses in the stock market.

Be Careful with Your Investments

Investing can help you grow your money, but it also comes with risks. As the saying goes, there are no free lunches. Aegis Capital has shown that not all brokers act in their clients’ best interests. That’s why it’s so important to be careful and do your research.  You can view complaints about a stockbroker by going online to FINRA BrokerCheck.

At Bakhtiari & Harrison, we are here to help you when things go wrong.  If you’ve had problems with Aegis Capital or any other stockbroker, contact us.  We can review your case and help you decide if legal action is appropriate to recover your losses.