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Toxic CDOs Reincarnated as Re-Remics

They’re baaaaack. Those toxic and worthless colllateralized debt obligations (CDOs) that helped drive banks $400 billion into the red are finding new buyers under a different name: Re-Remics. Due to the global credit crunch, CDOs sales fell from $227 billion in 2007 to $1 billion this year so Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and at least […]

AREI Offices in Redding Raided by Attorney General

Yesterday, the California Attorney General’s office raided Redding-based Asset Real Estate & Investment Co. (AREI) as part of their ongoing investigation of the firm. AREI is accused of defrauding investors and is the center of a flurry of investor lawsuits. Jim Koenig, who founded AREI in the late 1990s, is seeking bankruptcy protection and closing […]

Losses Equal Write-Down Disaster for Citigroup

Analysts are forecasting that Citigroup losses will show even more write downs on subprime-related investments in the second quarter, reducing the value of its assets by $8.9 billion. The news has not been good for the nation’s largest bank and indicates more Citigroup trouble. This is the third consecutive quarter showing Citigroup losses, and sent […]

Thousands to be Laid Off from New York Mega Bank, Citigroup

After billions of dollars in investor losses related to subprime-backed mortgages and other similar investments, Citigroup’s employees are the ones who will ultimately have to suffer. The New York-based banking giant is expected to begin a round of massive lay-offs of investment banking employees this week as part of a corporate plan to reduce its […]

Evergreen Ultra Short Opportunities Fund Class Action

A class action was filed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts on behalf of purchasers of all classes of shares of the Evergreen Ultra Short Opportunities Fund (Evergreen Ultra-Sht;A, Evergreen Ultra-Sht;B, Evergreen Ultra-Sht;C, Evergreen Ultra-Sht;I (the “Ultra-Short Opportunities Fund” or the “Fund”) who purchased or otherwise acquired shares of the […]