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In California, When Can I Sue My Stockbroker?

Investing in the stock market can be rewarding, offering the potential for substantial returns and long-term financial security. However, when things go wrong due to the actions or inactions of a stockbroker or financial advisor, it can lead to significant financial losses and emotional distress. If you find yourself in such a situation, you might […]

Steps to Consider in Authorizing an Agreement to Purchase/Sell a Stockbroker’s Book of Business

When a stockbroker decides to sell their book of business, it is often due to retirement or a shift in career focus. Conversely, a financial advisor may look to purchase a book of business to expand their client base and grow their practice. Bakhtiari & Harrison represent and guide stockbrokers and financial advisors in these […]

Compliance with Securities Laws and Regulations: The Case of Credit Suisse’s $6.5 Million Fine

Ensuring compliance with securities laws and regulations is a fundamental aspect of operating within the financial industry. This was starkly highlighted by the recent $6.5 million fine imposed on Credit Suisse’s U.S.-based securities business by the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and major exchanges. This penalty underscores the importance of establishing robust supervisory systems […]

The Hidden Risks of Promissory Notes: What Every Investor Should Know

The Hidden Risks of Promissory Notes: What Every Investor Should Know Promissory notes can seem like a straightforward and attractive alternative to traditional investments like stocks and bonds. However, they are not without significant risks, and scams involving promissory notes have defrauded investors of hundreds of millions of dollars. While some promissory notes are legitimate […]

Securities Lawyers at Bakhtiari & Harrison: Ensuring Compliance and Protection

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial regulations and securities law, the expertise of seasoned securities lawyers is indispensable. Bakhtiari & Harrison, a leading law firm foucsing on securities law, continues to uphold its commitment to providing top-notch legal services to clients navigating complex regulatory environments. Recent events surrounding Dawson James Securities, Inc. and Robert Dawson […]