October 28, 2007
San Luis Obispo Tribune
An arbitration claim filed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority on behalf of seven households provides an inside look at the losses suffered by some of the San Luis Obispo County residents who were invested in the APEX Equity Options Fund. Collectively, the households invested more than $5 million in the fund. One retired couple […]
October 28, 2007
San Luis Obispo Tribune
Dozens of local investors – clients of Jeffrey Forrest of WealthWise LLC in San Luis Obispo-have lost millions of dollars in a equity fund valued at more than $46 million that was wiped out in August, according to legal documents filed in recent weeks. The clients-among them a quadriplegic man, a retired nurse, a stay-at-home […]
October 17, 2007
ADR World
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has issued a rule proposal aimed at limiting the number of motions to dismiss filed in its arbitration forum by restricting the grounds arbitrators could use to grant such motions. The proposed rule change to FINRA’s Industry and Customer Codes would authorize arbitrators to grant a dispositive motion prior […]
October 1, 2007
Investment Dealers Digest
Yael Bizouati
Following the collapse this summer of two Bear Stearns hedge funds – its High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Master Fund and its High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Master – disgruntled investors, both in the US and overseas, are teaming up to bring legal action against the Wall Street firm. Several complaints are being […]
September 28, 2007
Dow Jones
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–When investor Chuck Highbaugh had a dispute with his broker, it took the efforts of a mediator to literally bring him back to the table. When Highbaugh accused his broker of placing him in unsuitable investments, they agreed to meet at a mediator’s home in Beverly Hills. At an impasse, Highbaugh followed […]