May 5, 2006
Dow Jones Compliance Watch
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–You can’t please all the people all the time, but in the financial advisory world, not pleasing the clients a lot of the time can trigger “heightened supervision.” Regulators expect firms to conduct their own heightened supervision but will sanction them if they don’t. And while these regulators leave the criteria for […]
May 1, 2006
Registered Representative
Dallas attorney David Dyer spends about two months each year in arbitration hearings, representing brokers and institutions. That doesn’t count the additional hours that he logs in hearing rooms as an NASD arbitrator. Dyer, a partner at Dallas-based Secore & Waller, has been doing this for 15 years, and lately he has been struck by […]
April 18, 2006
Los Angeles Times
A.G. Edwards Inc. was ordered by an NASD arbitration panel to pay a widow $339,974 for failing to properly supervise a broker who made risky investments with her savings in 1999. The regulatory body, which oversees broker conduct, said arbitrators awarded $142,839 in compensatory damages, $100,000 in punitive damages and $97,135 in legal fees to […]
April 17, 2006
PR Newswire
BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA, April 17,2006 /PRNewswire/ – The following was released today by: An NASD arbitration panel found A. G. Edward & Sons, Inc. (NYSE: AGE), liable for $339,974 for failure to properly supervise Redlands, CA area broker Ted Mendoza. On Thursday, April 13, 2006, the NASD panel awarded $142,839 in compensatory damages, $100,000 in […]
February 9, 2006
Money Magazine
Ellen McGirt with Kate Ashford, George Mannes and Pat Regnier
Greed is not good if it means the broker wins, not you. Here’s what you can do. By Ellen McGirt with Kate Ashford, George Mannes and Pat Regnier, MONEY Magazine NEW YORK (MONEY Magazine) – Unlike, say, salespeople in a clothing store, brokers are obligated to see that what they sell fits you — your […]