October 13, 2001
The Spokesman-Review.com
Investors cry foul as money vanishesYour money: Record wave of stock traders taking brokers to arbitrationDeborah Lohse – Knight Ridder Denise Day knew she needed help managing $1.4 million in cash and stock options she received in her divorce. So, like many investors, she turned to a broker for advice. Just over a year later, […]
October 1, 2001
Money Magazine
WHEN OVERZEALOUS BROKERS MET NEWLY MINTED INVESTORS IN THE LONG BULL MARKET, FORTUNES WERE MADE AND LOST IN AN INSTANT. NOW EVERYONE’S POINTING FINGERS OVER THE MISSING MONEY. Since stocks peaked in March of last year, investors in the U.S. market have lost $4 trillion in paper wealth. That’s an awful lot of money, and […]
September 11, 2001
San Jose Mercury News
Denise Day knew she needed help managing $1.4 million in cash and stock options she received in her divorce. So, like many investors, she turned to a broker for advice. Just over a year later, she’s filed to take her broker to arbitration, alleging she lost almost everything when he handled her investments more aggressively […]
August 20, 2001
Los Angeles Business Journal
The recent conclusion of a couple of high profile arbitration cases raises the question: Will Wall Street be inundated with investor arbitration claims contending that brokerage analysts did them wrong? Will investors en masse charge that stockbrokers, following the recommendations of brokerage analysts, herded them into lousy stocks, benefiting not the investor but the brokerage’s […]
August 12, 2001
Kansas City Star
Barbara Kreimer, 75, had planned for her investments not only to provide for her growing health-care needs but also to leave a tidy sum to support her mentally impaired adult son after she died. So when her health began failing last fall, she considered tapping into her investments. But she was stunned to learn from […]