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NetTrends: How risky margin trading cost small investors


At the beginning of this year, he was a security guard working in a Silicon Valley office building, earning a modest living and keeping all his money in the bank. But he was intrigued by the software engineers in the office who boasted about their stock options and tracked their wealth on a stock quote […]

Some Investors Face Flip Side of Arbitration

Los Angeles Times

The securities industry’s arbitration process has long been viewed as a small investor’s last resort to press grievances against a broker. But some investors are discovering to their dismay that arbitration is a two-way street: Brokerage firms also can bring claims against them–often with painful financial results for investors. This has been a particular surprise […]

Stung By Stock Losses, Investors Blame Brokers

USA Today

NEW YORK – In the wake of the stock market collapse, angry investors across the USA are filing complaints and arbitration claims against their stockbrokers, blaming them for losses that in some cases wiped out retirement nest eggs. The surge in complaints is not restricted to small, fly-by-night brokerage firms, but also involves large companies. […]

Arbitration Filing Rise in Grim Market

Los Angeles Times

Arbitration claims against brokerage firms jumped sharply in April, signaling what may be the start of a long-awaited surge in litigation after the last year’s brutal stock market decline. Investors filed 581 arbitration claims last month, up 55% from 374 in April 2000, the National Assn. of Securities Dealers said Friday. The 2,137 cases filed […]

Going After Your Broker. NASD Arbitration Claims Rise with Market Drop

CBS Marketwatch

It happened to Ben Affleck, and to Matt Damon, too. Investment losses. They hurt, and they often spawn a rash of lawsuits waged at financial advisers. If you just reviewed your finances for the past year, paid your taxes, and realized how bad off your portfolio really is, you’re not alone. If you’re looking for […]