July 21, 2000
Los Angeles Times
Walter Hamilton
Lawyers representing individual investors in disputes against brokerages charged Thursday that the National Assn. of Securities Dealers has been “rigging” arbitration hearings to favor Wall Street firms–an allegation that the NASD instantly denounced. The group charged that NASD computers have been set so that the panels conducting arbitration hearings are stacked with people friendly to […]
July 16, 2000
Wall Street Journal
Lots of Internet traders complain about their online broker’s service: balky Web sites, poor trade executions. Now investors are doing something about it. Lawyers and others familiar with brokerage-industry disputes say legal claims by customers are on the rise. This year’s market turbulence may spur even more. Linda Fienberg, president of dispute resolution at the […]
June 28, 2000
The markets may be open for only 6 1/2 hours every weekday, but online investors are trading as if the exchanges were going 24-7. Though a minuscule number of investors are trading live in the extended-hours sessions you hear so much about on CNBC–compare the tens of millions of shares traded at night to the […]
June 26, 2000
Investment News
With a federal watchdog yapping at its heels and a tarnished image to polish, the battered Securities Investor Protection Corp. needs a shot at redemption. It tried to orchestrate one last week with a new public relations agency and a photo opportunity – a news conference about a record payout to investors scamm-ed of $31 […]
June 20, 2000
Wall Street Journal
The Securities Investor Protection Corp. is expected to announce Tuesday that it paid a record $31 million to customers of Sunpoint Securities Inc., a defunct brokerage firm formerly in Longview, Texas, to restore cash and securities that allegedly were stolen from about 9,800 investors. The payout comes at a time when some securities lawyers are […]