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Could you fall this hard for a stockbroker’s scam?

Medical Economics

Fast-talking broker swindled one doctor out of almost $185,000. Such scenarios happen a lot more often than you’d think. Clark Gardner was the classic cold-call victim. Although initially skeptical when a broker he didn’t know phoned, the Los Angeles radiologist was won over by the fellow’s persuasiveness. Like many specialists, Gardner had seen his income […]

Part Four Beware of that strange voice on the phone

As seen on CNBC & MSNBC

Aug 14 – The extended bull market and the record trading volume in U.S. stocks has fattened the bottom line for the nation’s securities firms. Before taxes, they earned more than $12 billion last year – a record. But that money has a downside, too. It’s a temptation for an unscrupulous few. ONE CALIFORNIA regulator […]

Part Three Securities self-policing comes under scrutiny

As seen on CNBC & MSNBC

Aug 13 – Within the world of the securities industry there is debate over whether investors’ rights are adequately protected. The regulatory arm of the National Association of Securities Dealers, for one, says its budget is up 45 percent over the last three years and that it has taken a number of measures to help […]

Part Two Regulators get tough on securities fraud

As seen on CNBC & MSNBC

WASHINGTON, Aug 12 – The securities industry, led by the Securities Industry Association, points with pride to its own research showing that complaints against brokers are down. But industry regulators have different statistics. Even so, many of those involved in securities enforcement say improved safeguards help protect people from unscrupulous brokers, unethical firms and scam […]

Part One A tale of two victims

As seen on CNBC & MSNBC

There are almost 600,000 stockbrokers in this country and by most accounts, the vast majority of them are honest and ethical. A minority is not: Complaints about stock brokers were up 30 percent last year in eight states alone. The most recent national statistics are from two years ago: at that time, there were 30,000 […]