May 12, 2003
Just in case you weren’t steamed enough about the losses in your stock portfolio, securities regulators served up a fresh helping of outrage last week. In announcing their record settlement with 10 Wall Street firms accused of misleading investors with bogus recommendations, they also released new e-mail records showing stock experts chortling about how they […]
May 6, 2003
Neil Weinberg
NEW YORK – Lawyers for jilted Wall Street investors have been anxiously waiting months for regulators to finalize their stock research settlement. Now that they have, and the supporting documents are public, plaintiff attorneys say it offers little help in pressing claims against allegedly crooked brokers, analysts and securities firms. Among the omissions: any mention […]
May 5, 2003
Business Week
Dean Foust
Arbitration battles to recover losses will be tough, but fresh ammo from regulators may help When Harold and Reather Weathers, a retired couple living in the Atlanta suburbs, sold some inherited property for more than $600,000 in 1999, they hoped the proceeds would carry them through their golden years. The couple, then in their late […]
May 2, 2003
USA Today
After this week’s $1.4 billion settlement between regulators and 10 Wall Street investment banks, investors who’ve been burned by a broker may be wondering whether it’s time for payback. Securities lawyers say they are already busy fielding arbitration inquiries. You don’t have to be directly affected to have a good case. Many kinds of broker […]
April 30, 2003
Los Angeles Times
Walter Hamilton and Josh Friedman
At the height of the ’90s stock boom, some investment banks were searching for a novel way to boost the prospects of their corporate clients. They apparently found one: securing analyst coverage for the clients by paying rival firms to provide it, according to documents released Monday as part of a landmark legal settlement between […]